Verbuga French Verb Trainer

Practise conjugation

Select any combination of verbs and tenses you like. Type the answer and Verbuga will show you the result. You can always request the correct answer. Practising French verbs is easy and fun!

An overview of your mistakes

Have a look at the mistakes you made. Compare with the correct answer, so you can learn from your mistakes.

Overview of the conjugation of a verb and tense

Select a specific verb and tense and inspect the conjugation.

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The functions Verbuga offers

  • Verbs
    Select the verbs you want to practise with.
  • Tenses
    Select the tenses you want to practise with.
  • Exercise
    Answer the question and view the result.
  • Results
    Inspect your overall results.
  • Errors
    Inspect the errors you made and compare
    with the correct answer.
  • Conjugations
    Request the conjugation for a verb
    and a tense you selected.